How To Get Big Traps?

How To Get Big Traps

Alright, listen up, gym rats, if you want to look big, you gotta have big traps, so that’s our focus in this article. You can get big traps in 2 ways:

1 Training them properly (everybody forgets to train traps, or neglects them completely)

2 Hop on gear, and they will automatically explode, even if you don’t have a dedicated training day for them.

Traps Workout Routine, Frequency, Sets, and Reps

Most gym bros forget to train traps because they are overused in almost any exercise, they’re a meme, just like any bad exercise is a lower back exercise.

If you do any biceps exercise, from mid-set to last rep any rep is also a trap activation, for shoulder press it’s the same, lateral raises – you’ve guessed it: traps jump in even from the start, and so on. Not to mention when you train your back, like bend over rows, and even when you do squats, you need to harden your traps to sustain the bar, so yeah, they are used all day, but not trained properly.

that’s the difference, you feel like you used them, but don’t actually have that burnout.

Now, let’s build a trap workout routine that fits your needs. Try 3 sets of 8-12 reps for each exercise:

  • Barbell Shrugs: T-bar is the best
  • Dumbbell Shrugs
  • Face Pulls (for Upper Traps)
  • Pull-Ups (or Bent-Over Barbell Rows)

Frequency and Sets/Reps: Aim for 2-3 trap workouts per week, allowing enough rest for recovery like 2-3 minutes. I’ve said above to do like 8-12 reps, but in reality, you need to make at least 1 rep past failure, that’s what counts! Failure builds muscles!

Don’t worry too much about the form, you’ve trained traps wrong all day without even knowing it, so exercise that’s specifically for them will be great!

If you feel that you can make 20 reps with normal difficulty, then increase the weight, progressive overload is important too! That’s it, good luck!

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